PUBLICATIONS & SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS Throughout our professional careers, we have been actively engaged in dialogue with our areas of expertise and beyond. We have been recognized for our contributions worldwide. MUSE Design Awards: Rykadan HQLed By Sharmila Tankha: “Rykadan HQ” MUSE Design Award, 2020 Macau Daily Times“A French touch on Lisboa Palace” Macau Daily Times, February 24, 2014 The New York Times“In Las Vegas, A Fantasy Suite For Reality TV” The New York Times, September 26, 2002 The Wall Street Journal“Morongo Tribe's New Casino Aims to Be a Hipster Magnet” The Wall Street Journal, March 2, 2005 Desert Sun“Morongos realize a Dream” Desert Sun, November 11, 2004 Los Angeles Times“MTV Does Vegas” Los Angeles Times, September 5, 2002